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•   Cable plug SR-75-154FV

Model: Cable plug SR-75-154FV
•   Giá: 0 VNĐ •   Giá cũ: 850,000 VNĐ
•   Tình trạng kho: Còn hàng
•   Bảo hành 12 Tháng
•   Giao hàng 3 (ngày)
•   Xuất xứ: Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Chi tiết

Thông tin sản phẩm:
Cable plug SR-75-154FV (SR75-154FV, SR-75 154FV)
    Fork SR-75-154FV intended to connect two terminals of the same or different connection dimensions when their direct mechanical connection is not feasible or undesirable direct electrical connection.
    Connector Type - Male.
    Sequence number of development - 154.
    Insulator material - Teflon.
    Connection type - threaded.
    Characteristic impedance - 75 ohms.
    Operating voltage - 500V.
    Frequency range - from 0 to 10 GHz.
    The type designation SR-75-154FV:
    - SR - RF connector;
    - 75 - the value of the characteristic impedance (ohms);
    - 154 - number of development;    
    - F - insulation (PTFE);
    - In the - all-climate performance by GOST In 20.39.404-81.
    SR-75-154FV - leaky straight connector with Teflon insulation. Product is a combination of two coaxial connectors, connected by short rigid coaxial line segment.

Dimensions - 22 × 43,5 mm.
    Specifications SR-75-154FV:

    - Contact materials - brass, plated with silver.
    - Maximum operating frequency - 10000MGts.
    - Operating voltage under normal conditions 750V (peak);
    - Characteristic impedance - 75 ohms;
    - Contact resistance - 0.01 ohms.

    Plugs SR-75-154FV have the following values ​​of insulation resistance between the connector elements:
    - Under normal circumstances - 1000MOm;
    - At a temperature of 85 º C to 200 º C - 500MOm;
    - At 98% humidity and a temperature of 40 º C - 100MOm.

    For connector SR-75-154FV nominal operating voltage has the following values:
    - Under normal conditions - 1kV (Vp) depending on the embodiment of the compound;
    - Atmospheric pressure 5mm.rt.st. - 75V (Vp);
    - Humidity of 98% (at a temperature of 40 º C) - 275V - 300V (Vp) depending on the connection options.

    MTTF connector SR-75-154FV under different conditions of temperature filed in Table 1.

    Table 1.
Degrees, ° C
Hours of use
95 ° C
85 ° C
74 ° C
68 ° C
60 ° C
154 ° C
8000 h
75 ° C
40 ° C
32 ° C
25 ° C
18 ° C
14 ° C

    Cycle of mechanical operation, which on average can withstand fork - 750. To break up the contacts you need to make an effort of 0.5 kgf-2kgs. Reliability forks: the minimum probability of failure of connector P 2 = 0.99 for 1000 hours at the reliability of R 36 = 0.9.
    Lifetime SR-75-154FV - 7500 hours.

    Operating conditions connector SR-75-154FV:

    Operating temperature range - from -60 ° C to +85 ° C. Relative humidity - 98% at 40 ° C. Low atmospheric pressure - up to 5 mm Hg.
    Vibration strength and stability of devices ranges in the frequency range 5 Hz - 7500Gts with the acceleration of 30g.

    SR-75-154FV able to withstand:
    - Single mechanical shocks with acceleration up to 500g;
    - Multiple mechanical shocks with acceleration up to 35g;
    - Linear loads up to 100g.

    Connector griboustoychivy, resistant to sea fog, solar radiation.

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